iOS OpenVPN Manual Setup Guide
iOS has many third-party OpenVPN clients that you can use to connect to Vector Link servers. One of our recommendations is "Passpartout", which supports both iOS and macOS. You can get it here on the App Store.
Getting the configurations
Once you have installed the app on your iOS device, you need to get the server configurations for the VPN servers you want to connect to. Log in to the Vector Link User Panel, in the Servers tab you will find a list of all available servers.
Each server should have an OpenVPN column with a Config button. Clicking on the button will bring up a dialog showing you its OpenVPN configuration. Click the Download button in the dialog to download the configuration as a file.
Alternative: from the Devices tab, you can also download a zip file containing the OpenVPN configuration for all servers. To use this, however, you will need an app that can unzip the zip file.
Importing the configurations
Find and open the configuration file you downloaded, and use the iOS sharing feature to share it with the Passpartout app.
Give the profile a name, and tap next to import it.
You will be asked to enter your username and password. Use your Vector Link username and password from "VPN Credentials" (see screenshot below), NOT your account password.
Tap Save to save the profile. You will be returned to the main screen. Toggle the server you want to connect to to connect to the VPN. To disconnect, simply turn the toggle off.