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Can I access streaming services?

Absolutely! But for the best experience, we recommend subscribing to our Pro plan. Many streaming services can detect and block VPN or proxy IPs, requiring the use of a "residential IP" to bypass these restrictions. We provide these specialized nodes exclusively for our Pro plan subscribers.


Are there any discounts available?

Stay up-to-date on our latest promotions by checking our website and following us on social media. We frequently announce special offers that can help you save on your VPN service.


Do you offer dedicated IP addresses?

Not to individual users. A dedicated IP address associated with an individual user could compromise privacy, making it a bad choice in most situations. Although we do offer this to business customers with special needs.


Do you have an affiliate program?

Indeed, we do! We are actively seeking promoters, resellers, and white label clients, particularly those with access to emerging markets not yet covered by our current model or payment methods. If you're interested, please reach out to our customer support for more information.


Do your servers support IPv6?

Yes. Unlike some other providers who may require you to disable IPv6 to prevent potential "IPv6 leaks", our service is designed with IPv6 support in mind. Most, if not all, of our servers have both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity.


Does your app or website have any telemetry?

No. We can explicitly guarantee that our apps and website do not contain any telemetry mechanisms. Simply put, they will never upload usage data and personal information from your devices. As stated in our Privacy Policy, the only information we collect is the information you voluntarily provide to us when you sign up for our services.


Is there a limit on traffic or the number of devices per account?

No. You may use our service on as many devices as you have, with no bandwidth limitations, provided that you abide by our terms of use and do not engage in any malicious activity.


Will it function in Country X?

Our service emphasizes anti-censorship and strives to maintain availability even in countries with high levels of censorship, such as China and Russia. However, due to the cat-and-mouse nature of this, we simply cannot guarantee 100% availability at all times. To stay updated on the status of our service in specific countries and for any inquiries, we recommend following our blog and reaching out to our customer support.


What is DNS leak, and how can I detect it?

DNS translates domain names into IP addresses for connections. When using a VPN or proxy, it's important to route DNS requests through the encrypted tunnel. Improper configuration, however, might expose these requests to your ISP. This is especially risky in countries with strict censorship, as it not only exposes your attempts to access censored content but also reveals the specific sites you visit. Our official clients have built-in DNS leak protection, and we recommend following our blog tutorials for configuring third-party clients. To test for DNS leaks, visit https://www.dnsleaktest.com/


What data is collected and not collected?

For a comprehensive understanding, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy. However, here's a brief summary: We collect only the information you willingly provide us through the website, which includes: - Username - Password (stored as a hashed version) - Payment records - Daily traffic usage (upload/download numbers, only to prevent abuse) We expressly assure you that we do not collect any of the following information: - IP addresses - Device IDs - Connection logs - Personal identification information


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept credit cards as well as various cryptocurrencies. If you require alternative payment methods as a business customer or prefer to use Chinese payment methods like Alipay, kindly reach out to our customer service.


What are the differences between VPN and proxy mode?

Both VPN and proxy are secure, encrypted tunnels to protect privacy and circumvent censorship, yet they differ in their technical implementations and use cases. A VPN encapsulates all types of network traffic, including browsing, streaming, gaming, conferencing, etc. providing comprehensive protection. However, this can be a disadvantage if you wish to route specific traffic outside the VPN, such as streaming a geo-blocked video while gaming without VPN. In contrast, our proxy mode offers an HTTP proxy that does not capture system-wide network traffic. It primarily works with browsers and some TCP-based applications, giving you more control over what kind of traffic goes through the proxy.


Which platforms are supported?

Our service is compatible with a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and even routers. Currently, we offer official clients for Windows and macOS, with support for other platforms under development. In the meantime, you can follow our comprehensive tutorials on setting up our VPN service using third-party apps for all supported platforms. These guides can be found on our blog.

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